Saturday, March 1, 2014

Conversation between Cardinal Tagle and John L. Allen, Jr.

Join a rare public conversation between Cardinal Chito Tagle and world-renowned Vatican expert and journalist John L. Allen, Jr at the Dinner for the Missions!

Divine Word Seminary has invited JOHN L. ALLEN, JR. to be the keynote speaker at the conclusion of the semicentennial of the SVD seminary in Tagaytay City (1963-2013) and the homecoming of its more than 3,000 alumni on March 12, 2014.

Allen is a world-renowned Vatican expert and journalist. He was a senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter in which his column, “All Things Catholic,” was widely-read. He is now an associate editor for The Boston Globe and continues to serve as analyst of Vatican affairs for the CNN.

The author of ten books including The Future Church: How Ten Trends are Revolutionizing the Catholic Church (2009) and two biographies of Benedict XVI, and a journalist “other reporters—and not a few cardinals—look to for the inside story on how all the pope's men direct the world's largest church” (Kenneth L. Woodward, Newsweek, 2005), Allen is therefore one of the most authoritative analysts of Vatican affairs.

After his keynote address at the Divine Word Seminary in Tagaytay City on March 12, Allen is willing to sit down with fellow journalists and media practitioners for a press conference: the papacy of Francis, the reform of the Curia, the sex abuse scandal plaguing the Roman Catholic Church, the ordination of women, same-sex marriage, and a possible visit of the Pope to the Philippines—these are just some of the burning issues concerning the Vatican that can be asked from the floor.

On March 13,
Allen and Cardinal Tagle will have special "conversation" at the Dinner for the Missions in Quezon City.

For more information about the press conference and Dinner for the Missions, please contact
Fr. Raul Caga, SVD,  mobile number: 0932-8725188.


Source: Divine Word Seminary Blog

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