Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Vision of Divine Word Institute of Mission Studies

In the light of the SVD’s missionary orientation, graduate courses in missiology shall be created with particular sensitivity to, and appreciation of, intercultural communication, contextualization of theology in various human situations so that the Good News of Jesus Christ may bring the fullness of life to all peoples.

1.  “SVD missionary orientation” emphasizes that education is also mission.

2. “graduate courses in missiology” constitute the civil degrees (MA and PhD) and ecclesiastical degrees (licentiate and doctorate).

3. “with particular sensitivity to, and appreciation of” are the particular values and attitudes (or spirituality) for academic studies and practical researches.

4. “intercultural communication, contextualization of theology in various human situations” implies the profound involvement and experience of the missiology programs in lives of those to whom the studies and researches are oriented or to be made.

5. “various human situations” gives importance to experiences of peoples, hence, to contemplate the presence of God in others.

6. “so that the Good News of Jesus Christ may bring the fullness of life to all peoples” reiterates the summary of the life and mission of the Divine Word (cf. Jn 10:10). In SVD understanding, this is the motto, Jesus’ life is our life, His mission is our mission.

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